SUSTAIN-EDU focuses on a comprehensive approach to sustainability education for young people in vocational
education.It aims to empower young people in vocational education to take local action for global sustainability within their
vocational sectors. By developing their leadership skills, raising awareness of sustainable practices, and providing practical
guidance, the project aims to create change agents who actively contribute to a more sustainable future.SUSTAIN-EDU
effectively addresses several key objectives.Here's a concise overview of how the project aligns with these objectives:
SUSTAIN-EDU: Promotes innovation by infusing contemporary sustainability practices and leadership development into vocationaleducation.This initiative encourages vocational institutions to adopt innovative teaching methods and integrate sustainabilityconcepts into their curricula.The development of a sustainability toolkit offers novel teaching materials, resources, and strategies that foster creative thinking and problem-solving among vocational students and educators.-Enhances the attractiveness of VET by rendering it more engaging and relevant to students. It underscores the real-world importance of vocational education by addressing sustainability challenges and providing practical solutions.
LTTAs include experiential learning components, such as community projects and field visits, which make vocational education moreappealing to students seeking hands-on and impactful educational experiences.-Tackles environmental and climate change issues by focusing on sustainability education and the implementation of sustainability projects within vocational education.Empowering young people with leadership skills and sustainability knowledge enables them to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability within their vocational sectors.-Supports the creation of innovative curricula by seamlessly integrating sustainability principles into vocational educationprograms.The development of a sustainability toolkit includes the creation of resources for new modules or courses focusedon sustainability within vocational education.-Facilitates the development of training courses for vocational educators by equipping them with tools, materials, and bestpractices for teaching sustainability.